Autism Aware
Autism Aware Autism Aware

Communication Challenges

Viewing time: 10 min

This section focuses on how poor communication skills can lead to problem behaviour. It describes how effective teaching can improve communication skills that in turn can have a positive effect on behaviour.


Sometimes children with autism do not have the skills to understand what is expected of them or to communicate their needs effectively. Their receptive and expressive language may not be at a typical level.  This can lead to problem behaviour. The need for support and teaching is critical. Effective communication skills can be achieved and problem behaviour significantly reduced or eliminated with the right intervention.


The ability to communicate is one of the most important skills that we can learn. The development of communication skills for children with autism can occur at a much slower pace than typically developing children. This can be due to learning difficulties that some children with ASD have or sensory challenges.

A child’s social and communication development is significantly improved when parents and caregivers interact with the child in a way that motivates and encourages communication.

Author: Alma Carroll - Behavioural Specialist
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